- We need to read Scripture in full rather than in isolation. If we were to only read vs 8 and vs 10, we could easily conclude that the gospel of God is only health and wealth. Yet, a reading of vss 11-12 remind us that God also disciplines and reproves.
- Bruce Waltke describes those who are blessed (13) as the ones who are "living life as the Creator intended."
- While most of the verses from 13-35 have the short-term or long-term future in view, that future depends on our current relationship with God. (W. Janzen)
- Verses 14-15 remind us that there are things that accomplish more than money. Money has its limitations, and yet because of its attraction we often believe the lie that just a little more money will make a better life.
- In Proverbs, wisdom seems to be often taken back to the creation of the world (19). I believe that God is encouraging us to take a good look at the Garden of Eden before the sin of Adam and Eve. "THAT is what I desire for men and women," God seems to be reminding us. I am grateful that we can live in light of the Paradise that will one day be restored according to Revelation 21-22. Eternity (future) will be life as God always intended for His creation.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Proverbs 3
A few thoughts from Proverbs 3.