I felt like this subject is useful for several reasons.
- We often lack an overall biblical framework for understanding individual stories. There are some unifying themes that make individual stories make sense. This book highlights those.
- We tend to miss the one Big Story of the Bible. The title of the study highlights this theme.
- Because it helps in the process of understanding, this study could serve as a catalyst for reading more Scripture. If the Bible seems to be disconnected, confusing, or lacking cohesion to us, that may serve as a disincentive to read it.
- Being with other believers for mid-week Bible study and fellowship provides encouragement for spiritual growth.
- Because the atmosphere is more casual, it provides an opportunity to participate in the study, and benefit form others’ insight into Scripture.
I also jotted down a few ways I think OBC could potentially benefit from the study.
- Better understanding of the Bible’s storyline.
- Ability to process individual portions of the Bible in light of the whole.
- Weekly encouragement to be regularly treasuring and digesting God’s Word.
- Meeting some more members of the Ogletown family.
- Encouragement through prayerful study of God’s Word with others.