Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two things on the horizon

I normally don't use the blog for promoting a bunch of stuff, but I wanted to share a couple of events that could be of use to you in the upcoming days.

First, Shawna and I are planning on attending a conference called Shepherding a Child's Heart at Faith Presbyterian in Wilmington. The conference is based on a book (which you can purchase at the Book Table) by Tedd Tripp that has had a profound impact on how we view our role as parents. The cost is reasonable and to say that I endorse the conference would be the understatement of the year!

I also found out about another unique event called Christ and Science being hosted by Evangelical Presbyterian here in Newark. The speaker is Vern Poythress and the description makes me believe that the subject matter will go beyond a simple creation/evolution debate, and into other realms of science, even helping us in our understanding of technology. No charge, great information. Why don't you check it out?