Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, FAQ

Stan and I tried to answer some questions in this article we wrote for our monthly church newsletter.

Every Christmas season, while we give attention to the message of God coming to earth, we also challenge our church to give so that other people may hear that message. We do so through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (LMCO), and we thought it would be helpful to answer some frequently asked questions about this emphasis!

What is the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering?
The LMCO is an offering used to support Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. The offering represents nearly 50 percent of the International Mission Board’s (IMB) total income. In short, 100% of the offering is used to support overseas missionaries and their ministries in other countries.

Who was Lottie Moon?
Lottie Moon was a missionary to China from 1873 to 1912. Throughout her career, Moon wrote numerous letters home urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support, and her passion has fueled Baptists to love those apart from Christ.

Why give to the International Mission Board?
The basic role of the IMB is to lead and facilitate the international missionary involvement of Southern Baptists in partnership with overseas Baptists and other Christians who are fulfilling the Great Commission. More than 5,900 of the world’s nearly 11,600 people groups continue to live and die in darkness. Among these least reached peoples there are few, if any, Evangelical Christians and no one working to plant new churches. By giving to the LMCO, we can work toward reaching these people.

Who do we know that currently is an IMB missionary?
Mike and Jenny H. are currently serving in this role; sharing the gospel for many years in Africa. A couple of weeks ago Mike shared his heart with our congregation and Jenny is already a familiar figure; having grown up here at Ogletown. They are currently on stateside assignment and we have been blessed to have them here with us. Giving to the LMCO goes to support over 4,000 missionaries like Mike and Jenny.

How much has Ogletown contributed to the LMCO in recent years, and do we have a goal we are trying to reach this year?
In 2006 and 2007, we collected over $25,000 and $17,000, respectively. Our hope is that we would give generously toward a goal of $25,000.

If you have any questions or need more information concerning LMCO, please don’t hesitate to ask us!