I was reading in one of my favorite books about the wisdom of God, and I ran across this definition:
"God's wisdom means that God always chooses the best goals and the best means to those goals."
I love the definition. When I think of how God worked in bringing us to Ogletown, I can begin to see some of the "best means" that God has used in bringing us to this point. I can't wait to share some of those with you. It makes me excited about what He has in store. I also realize that God has some incredible purposes for His people at Ogletown, and we are excited about what the future holds.
As I read the definition, I also am reminded that I don't know the best goals for my life, and even when I know them, I don't know the best means to accomplish them. As a matter of fact I get frustrated with God when He doesn't work with "my goals." I remind him of how my prayers should be answered, as if I know something He doesn't. Wow, God is patient with us, isn't He?
God, help me submit to your timing, your goals, your purposes, and your means!