Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too good not to share

There is nothing like telling someone that you love about something great they can enjoy and find useful. I feel like that when I think of a resource I have found in recent days. It is printed by a company (The GoodBook Company - I love the name!) from the UK, who recently opened a base of operations in the US.

The resource is called TableTalk, and essentially is a family devotion tool. We have started using TableTalk recently with our family (my wife, and children, ages 5 and 2). God has used it to provide some consistency in an area where we have often come up short. Why is it so helpful? Several reasons.
  1. The Bible is OPENED, and real text is read. I appreciate and use The Big Picture Story Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible, but there is no substitute for reading the very words of Scripture.
  2. The portions of Scripture are truly “bite-size” allowing our kids to focus for a short amount of time.
  3. There are interactive portions that help the Bible come alive.
  4. Each day ends with a focused prayer time. It brings me joy that my son is learning a variety of things to pray for.
  5. There is some continuity to the study, so that every night we are not jumping to a new unrelated story to what we looked at the day before.
  6. The big story line of the Bible is always in view. It highlights the gospel themes of God’s rule, our sin, Jesus’ death, and our redemption almost every day.
  7. Although we are not using a complementary resource just yet, I am also thrilled to know about the XTB (eXplore The Bible) series that is for kids (who are readers) to do their personal devotions on the same Scripture that TableTalk uses for that particular day.
I could say much more, but this resource has helped my wife and I fulfill our responsibility to teach our children to be disciples of Christ. I think I would pay 5 times what they charge, knowing the value of what it has brought to our house.