Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hearing AND doing

A theme that has come up in conversations and other arenas of life recently is that of not only hearing God's Word, but also obeying it. So, although we might be growing in our knowledge of God's Word (which is a GREAT thing), there is still a disconnect if we are not putting it into practice.

I thought of a couple of ways I try to do this (emphasis on the word 'try')...
  1. If I stop to pray about what I have just learned, then I am more likely to be impacted by it. So, I was studying 1 Corinthians 7 recently (I will use this chapter, only because it is fresh on my mind). I found myself connecting that chapter with prayer and so in my heart, I believe that God was driving much of that chapter home in my life.
  2. In addition, I found myself not only praying about 1 Corinthians 7, but also praying FOR PEOPLE with requests shaped by 1 Corinthians 7. So, I began to think of names and faces which once again made God's Word come alive to me.
  3. I also have felt impressed to talk to others about what God is teaching me there. I find that as I talk through things with other believers, I am more inclined to be shaped by God's Word as well. (In addition, they may share insight into that arena, or be impacted themselves).
  4. I try to look at my life and see if there are any shortcomings in which I by the grace of God needs to change. I have found a couple of pointed time-specific ways of working toward change in those shortcomings.
  5. If possible, I may try to write in a journal some of the things I am learning about God, myself, and others. It documents what God is teaching me. It also serves as a reference point to come back to in the future.
I am sure there are more ways, but in summary here are some questions: (1) Have I prayed about this? (2) Have I prayed for people about this? (3) Have I talked to others about this? (4) Where can the gospel work change in my life, (5) Have I tangibly recorded anything about this anywhere?

Any other thoughts?