Saturday, September 5, 2009

Resources on being single

This morning we are studying together Paul's teaching from 1 Corinthians 7 concerning those who are single. Each of the resources below have broadened my understanding of God's design, particularly with those who are unmarried.

Singleness Redefined - This was one of the more personal books that I read from a single woman at Tim Keller's church in Manhattan. It was easy to read, but extremely useful for personal applied theology.

With One Voice - This particular book was helpful in thinking through singleness, but also what dating and marriage could and should look like for the believer.

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - I read through several pages of the preface and it seemed helpful in laying foundations for understanding God's design in people being single and being married.
- In various things that I have read, I have been directed to this site and have never been disappointed with its content.

The Rich Single Life - This book seemed to emphasize the wealth of opportunities available to those who are single. It focused on moving from the mindset of 'coping' with a stage of life you wish you want to change, and seeing things with a strategic view. This is available as a free PDF.