Sunday, July 12, 2009

Some follow up questions from Sunday's message from Habakkuk

A Sunday School class is following up the message on Sunday with a discussion and application of some of the main points of the message. Here are some of the questions from this morning's message.

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Habakkuk wrestled through his answers to the “how long” and “why” questions of Habakkuk 1:2-3.
  • What are reasons that Christians/non-Christians might give (accurate or not) for “how long” and “why” God is doing something?
  • How might these types of questions strengthen our hope in God?
  • How might these types of questions weaken our hope in God?

Habakkuk struggled because it seemed like 2 of God’s attributes were in conflict (1) His almighty power and (2) His perfect character.
  • When you are going through pain which of these are you most likely to question? Why?
  • Which of these are you more likely to hold on to? Why?
  • What is your biblical basis for holding on to these things?

Verse 2:3 implies that patience will be needed for Habakkuk as he wrestles through life. How is patience cultivated in your life?

He speaks of idols in 2:18-20. An idol, according to Ken Sande, is “something other than God that we set our hearts on, that motivates us, that masters/rules us, and that we serve.”
  • Can you identify the idols of our culture?
  • Can you identify your own idols?
  • How do we glamorize our idols (2:19)?
  • How does glamorizing our idols lead to further destruction?

He asks for God to remember mercy even in wrath (3:2) Do you view these 2 traits to be incompatible? Why or why not?

How is your vision of God corrected by chapter 3?
  • What did you already know about God?
  • What incomplete or inaccurate thoughts have you had?
  • Should the strong statement in 3:17-19 be considered as optimistic, pessimistic, and/or realistic? Why?

MORE PERSONAL QUESTIONS to be asked with accountability relationships in mind.
  • What deep struggles have you had that make you ask big questions of God?
  • Have you asked those questions in faith or unbelief?
  • What Christian brother or sister can walk with you through these times?
  • What Christian brother or sister needs you to walk with them through these times?
  • What is your role in personal ministry?