Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Until all have heard

"Until all have heard, ___________"

That was the way an email I received recently ended. The email was from friends who are committed followers of Jesus, committed to spreading the message of his love, his death, and his life for sinners. What a reminder of the "Share" in the "Build-Share-Introduce" strategy I mentioned on Sunday.

Of course, we want all to "repent and believe," but they can't and won't repent or believe until they have heard. And they won't hear unless someone tells them. And they won't go, unless they realize they have been sent by Christ and His church. Seems like I remember Apostle Paul telling us that in Romans 10.

So, part of what we have to be doing at Ogletown is to be reminding ourselves that we have permission (and much more) to follow God's mission!

Who will hear today, as a result of our sharing?