Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Respectful resolve

This past Sunday, we looked at Daniel 1 (especially verse 8), and we noticed that Daniel had a resolve to live for God in Babylon. The Bible tells us that he resolved not to defile himself. We also saw that he was respectful in his requests to the king and his court.

I prayed specifically Sunday that OBC would be a people of respectful resolve. That we would not be defiled as we live in Babylon. But, as I have prayed that more this week, I realize that is impossible. We will be defiled, despite our good intentions, and despite our respectful resolve. We will blow it. Even Daniel wasn't perfect (although I cannot find a blemish on his character in Scripture). So the truth is that we still need (and Daniel needed) someone who did not defile himself to make us righteous before God. We need a rescuer who is pure and spotless. We need someone who resolved not to sin, and never failed in that resolve.

That is who Jesus Christ is for us, and that is certainly in the "good news" category!