So, we are on to February. Here is what I am thinking.
- Older authors - Mystery of Providence by John Flavel. This is a Puritan who I have heard a couple of things about, but never read any of his writings.
- Theology - God of Promise by Michael Horton. This book serves as an introduction to Covenant Theology by a very respected theologian.
- Ministry/Preaching - City on a Hill by Philip Graham Ryken. Ryken pastors 10th Presbyterian in nearby Philadelphia. I have a head start on this book, and already LOVE what I am reading.
- Culture or Secular Society - Reconciliation Blues by Edward Gilbreath. This book details the evangelical culture's response to the African-American community. I have read many recommendation for this book.
- Miscellaneous - Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. Rob, a pastor in Grand Rapids, Michigan, certainly has a strong influence in the current Christian community. I have tried to read this book before without success. I thought I would try again.