Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On the way to work this morning

Today as I came to work, I had some extended time to pray (Fog had slowed the traffic to a crawl, and traffic was rerouted due to the dreaded fender-benders). I was praying for a friend of mine and I began thinking about some of my high school/college/seminary friends:
  • I have a friend who is planting a church in Oklahoma City
  • I have another friend doing collegiate ministry in Knoxville, TN
  • I have another friend who is a missionary in the Middle East
  • Another friend pastors in Pennsylvania
  • Another friend has planted a church in Midland, Texas
  • Another friend is in Washington state serving a church there
I have so many friends (not even named here) who are in ministries around the world. But, those aren't the only friends who are serving Christ.
  • I have a friend who is a lawyer in the DC area, and actively involved in serving the students of his church
  • I have another friend who is a contractor in Georgia, and is diligently leading his family in a way that honors Christ
  • I have a brother-in-law who is a policeman and a sister-in-law who is a stay-at-home mom who are actively serving a church in Michigan
So many of the people who I went to college/seminary with are still serving God faithfully. For some of those people that means being in full-time paid ministry. For many others that means being faithful servants in their church (minus the paycheck).

I am glad for the people at OBC as well who have decided to serve whether noticed or unnoticed, recognized or unrecognized, paid or unpaid. Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us that we work for God anyway. He sees it, He rewards it, and He is honored by it.